My Christian Faith
The Trinity in a Nutshell
How the Lord Transformed me from a "believer in God" to a devoted servant of the Lord Jesus Christ
How I Came to My Belief in the Bible
This is Bishop Brian C. Greene of Pentecostal Tabernacle in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the church I went to while I was in college, and where I am currently an attending member. He is a devoted servant of the living God, and has played a key role in my walk with the Lord.
Here are pictures of the downtown campus of Bethlehem Baptist Church (BBC) in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the church I attended during the start of my residency. I wholeheartedly recommend it for anyone in the Minneapolis area looking for a Bible-believing, uncompromising, loving place to worship Jesus Christ and fellowship with other believers.



These are pictures from the inside of BBC's downtown campus. The top left picture depicts the worship team during rehearsal, and the top right picture shows the mission of the church -- Spreading a Passion For the Supremacy of God in All Things, For the Joy of All Peoples Through Jesus Christ. The bottom two pictures show the senior pastor of BBC, the world-renowned Reverend John Piper, during Saturday evening service. He is a great shepherd and is truly a man after God's own heart.
Here is a picture taken in May 2009 at BBC. From left to right: Dr. John Y. Chen, M.D. (my best friend and accountability partner since 2002), Pastor John Piper, and me.
Here is the front of Times Square Church in New York City, which was my home church during my time in med school. I wholeheartedly encourage you to come if you are ever in New York and are looking for a church that offers: a) great worship and b) Holy Spirit-led preaching, revelation and conviction from the Word of the living God.
Here I am with David Wilkerson, founding pastor of Times Square Church and one of the most courageous proclaimers of the Gospel during the last 100 years. His obedience to God's call and his heart for drug-addicted teens led him to found Teen Challenge in 1958, an organization which has used the presentation of the Gospel to cure many addictions (greater than 85% cure rate). His courage in obeying God's call to present the Gospel to violent New York City gangs in the early 1960's became the inspiration for The Cross and the Switchblade, the world-renowned best-selling book and movie. This picture was taken during a Times Square Church Youth Rally "It's Time To Take A Stand For Christ", held in Washington, D.C. on August 7, 2004.
This is from the balcony of Times Square Church (TSC) during morning service worship.
This is during the altar call of one of TSC's typically powerful sermons. At the pulpit (right hand side of the image) is senior pastor Carter Conlon. On the left of the photo are pastor Neil Rhodes, and furthest left is founding pastor David Wilkerson.
Here I am with the two people I have gone to TSC weekly since October 8, 2000: Travis ('03 dental) and Kristine Austin
Here I am with Pastor Charles Stanley, dedicated servant of the living God. He is head of In Touch Ministries, an organization devoted to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world. His teaching has had a major impact on my walk with the Lord ever since I first heard him in June 2000. His presentation of the Gospel is as simple, organized, profound, encouraging, irresistible, uncompromising, and easy to understand as any I have heard. This picture was taken at Christian Publications during a September 2004 book signing in New York City.
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